Saturday, December 2, 2006

World Trade Center 7

This is the resort issue, if a CTer is losing a debate, I know this because I've seen it in practice and used it personally!

Mark Roberts, who wrote the Loose Change Guide which completely debunked the claims of Loose Change, also wrote an excellent new paper called "World Trade Center Building 7 and the Lies of the 9/11 'Truth Movement'.”. The document is 134 pages and features an extensive study of why WTC7 collapsed, and features an interview transcript between Alex Jones and Roberts. You can find the pdf here.

The first point I'd like to make was something that I never thought about as a CTist. If the Government had really wanted to demolish World Trade Center 7 without any suspicions, why do it 8 hours later at 5pm? Some would argue that this is because WTC7 was the control center for the planning of 9/11, but WTC7 was empty for several hours before it fell, so it could have easily been brought down then, less suspiciously. Mark Roberts has covered Larry Silverstein's 'Pull it' comment extensively in his WTC7 lies paper, so I won't talk about that. All I'll say is read his paper, its very obvious that Silverstein didn't mean to demolish building.

I realise that people won't read long blog posts, so I'll just close with this comment. The South side of WTC7 was where the damage was, and the smoke from there was so thick that you couldn't actually see it! Something to consider. When CTers show you the WTC7, they'll NEVER show you the south side.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I saw your blog mentioned at the SLC Blog.

Welcome to the fray....