Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ronald Wieck on fire!

Over at 911 researchers, there is 'debate' going on in the comments section for the Roberts vs Loose Change guys. Well, hardly a debate, but this post by Ronald I thought was particularily good:

Conspiracy Theorist: You said REAL scientists haven't spoken up. I explained that REAL scientists HAVE spoken up. I supplied proof.

Ronald Wieck: And that "proof" was what, exactly? Dental engineer Judy Wood's Keebler elves and her Star Wars laser beams? Steven Jones, the man who wrote about Jesus's visit to North America; the man who assumes that traces of a thermite reaction proves controlled demolition, although he understands nothing about the use of thermite in demolition and his alleged reaction has several far more plausible explanations?

"And because you couldn't rationally counter my proof, you needed to BS your way out by saying the NIST scientists are the only real scientists (or something to that effect.)"

Sorry, but your "scientists" are laughingstocks. Over two hundred researchers contibuted to the NIST report. What errors did they make?

"You can't even address my comments rationally! You're so hysterical that you think the NIST report did not need to analyze the collapses!"

Uh, TEN THOUSAND pages analyzing the collapses and you think they kinda forgot to analyze the collapses. Do you want to rethink this statement?

"You'll do anything to believe the government's fairytale, eh?"

You'll do anything to wave away a mountain of inconvenient evidence. You'll do anything to obscure the FACT that the conspiracy liars have produced ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE for their insane and pernicious nonsense.

Incidentally, when Dr. Greening writes a paper or Popular Mechanics publishes an article and a book, they are somehow "the government"? I'm afraid I don't believe you.


FX9 said...

Yea, Ronnie is great, isnt he.
Heres his latest quote from 911blogger.

"I've gotten laid by more beautiful women than you've spoken to, kid." - Ronald Wieck,

Yea, he's so smart and such a hero.

James said...

Lets use your way of thinking for a minute.

Lets say a great 9/11 hero such as John Feal said something like that, would you completely dismiss all that he had done, all his rescue efforts, bravery and the fact that after being permanently disabled, he donated one of his kidneys?

Ronald Wieck is a human being and he has certainly done enough to be able to say that to someone. Ronald Wieck is fed up of idiots who are in the strange religious cult 'the truth movement'. I'm surprised he hasn't said anything worse, actually.

If you want to see how people on your side think, watch "Loose Change creators speak!" on Google Video, I'm sure you'll have fun.

Peace, JA.

FX9 said...

Yea, keep trying to push me to a 'side', as you say. "Your side".. This is enough to prove your limited view. Black and white. I'm sorry, but its not quite that simple with 911.

And ntw, the difference is that someone like John Feal does not feel the need to post something like that. Its as simple as that.