Monday, December 4, 2006

Opposing Views.

I'll share a few experiences that I had over on the Loose Change forums which I guess shows the extent of CT'ers mindsets regarding their views on 9/11.

Firstly, the old Loose Change message boards (IE the most popular one) was pretty busy, and it was busy with skeptics too. The skeptics were pretty much thrown into the 'Skeptics' area of the message board - an area hardly ever visited by your average CT'er. I, however, would spend most of my time in this section, because in theory, if CT'ers are so sure that they have real evidence of a conspiracy, skeptics should be CT'ers best friend, but they're not. In my experience, CT'ers don't want to hear the other side of the story. To them, the official story is impossible, regardless of whatever anyone says, because they're so far into what they think is evidence that they just won't accept it.

Getting back to what I was saying. At the LC forums, skeptics (or 'JREF Ninjas'/shills/government agents/trolls as they were called) begun to arrive faster than the rate of CTers were arriving and when the skeptics forum became too active with what they called 'lies' or 'propaganda' that it closed. When I, or other semi-rational CTers raised objections to this section being closed, we were silenced. I don't mean banned, just told to 'shut up and stop complaining'.... sound familiar?

Essentially the Loose Change forums became everything they were protesting; a fascist, 'police forum'. People remain getting banned if they annoy the admin team by debunking their claims. Eventually the team were 'forced' by popular demand to open a 'Debate' forum, which was like the skeptics forum, only if a thread got too far into the REAL truth (or the Official Conspiracy Theory as they called it) then it was closed on that grounds that it wasn't intelligent debate.

Another important thing to note is that Screw Loose Change (1), (2) and Loose Change Viewers Guide (3) were all blocked links on the forum, IE; If you posted "" your URL would auto-change to something like "". Looking back, I remember being angry at this because it is blocking opinions that oppose their theory, this is pure fascism in practice!

Due to these links being blocked, people would just not visit, and because people like superzero Dylan said these links are bad, people take that as gospel. So much for going out and doing your own research.

Do what I did, check out the fact that science debunked our precious claims, admit you're wrong and no-one will laugh at you nor ridicule you. Lately the truth movement has been grinding to a halt. Its about to become just like the JFK conspiracy. I'd say that there are more people getting turned off by the conspiracy than onto it. Here is a major thing to consider; why are there no scientific journals regarding 9/11 'truth'? These journals are written by academics, then submitted to many other professors, academics and so on and if they all agree with its findings, it becomes an official scientific journal - one you could cite in say, an essay. Where are these journals? Oh yeah, hidden by the government, thats true, how could I forget.

You're a stronger person if you can admit you were wrong about something.

Embrace common sense. Searching for the truth involves coming to conclusions, not just asking questions. "Ask Questions, Seek Answers."

Conspiracies are as so: If you can't win with reason, win with volume.

1 comment:

James said...

Yeah, believe it or not, a big-timer at the forum actually posted the OFFICIAL STORY in the ALTERNATIVE THEORIES section (where No-plane theories are sent to) and everyone was playing along with his little game saying "Haha, shut up with that ridiculous theory".

Sad, sad people.